Thor (2011) - Kenneth Branagh
a.k.a Marvel hearts Continunity
Ok, so I told a slight lie. This review IS major spoiler-free but if you avoid spoilers like the plague (I'm looking at you @tjmont !), then it would be classed as slightly contagious. Nothing major, though, I promise.
However, if you don't want to know the details, here's a mini review- it's amazing, Asgard's beautiful and it's brilliantly handled by Branagh, with great performances all round, especially Tom Hiddleston (Loki).
Tim, you might wanna stop reading now. Some of you still with me, though? Good. Here's the full meaty review...
Like most people, I was quite surprised to hear Kenneth Branagh was directed this film. A superhero movie? From the King of Shakespeare? I didn't think it was a bad thing... just a change of tune and something unexpected.
However, now I can see why he was chosen. The direction is brilliant, subtly adding to the film without ever becoming distracting. Asgard, with all it's majesty, required the touch of someone used to the dramatic and Branagh's experience and love of Shakespeare serves him well.
We constantly flick between Earth and Asgard and each story and place is given the same respect; none of it is used as filler, and the story line is never confusing. I have never read the Thor comics, so I don't know how it compares but Asgard looks incredible; regal, majestic and otherworldly* (as it should be) and the Bifrost is certainly the best way to travel ever. That doesn't mean the film doesn't translate well to Earth; on the contary, this is given the slick treatment we are used to from Ironman, with SHEILD featuring a lot more. There's even a cameo that I knew nothing about that got me very excited... However, it is Asgard that truly stands out, as it should do.
What really got my excited about this film, however, are the characters. While the action sequences are there, the characters are what drives this story, and each is played incredibly well.
Chris Hemsworth has the unenvible job of playing a hero that, at least to start with, we aren't supposed to like. He's arrogant, reckless and rude to Anthony Hopkins, which will never put you in anyone's good books. However, he pulls it off brilliantly. It could possibly be argued that he's slightly OTT, but he should be- he's the God of Thunder for Odin's sake! His change throughout the movie, at the hands of Jane, is utterly believable and he never, ever loses that powerful prescence that makes him the son of Odin. I can't think of anyone better for the job.
Speaking of Jane, my girl crush Natalie Portman is on top form as always. Honestly, she must be the hardest working actress in Hollywood; that girls in everything and she just gets better... Stellan Skasgard is also fantastic, as Dr Selvik... and now I'll shut up about him *wink*. I also complete love Thor's 'dream team' of Sif and The Warriors Three- prequel, anyone?
However, the real joy to watch is Tom Hiddleston as Thor's brother Loki. This is as much his story as Thor's and he is the most well rounded villan I've seen in a superhero movie for a long time. Hiddleston makes him completely compelling, as he deals with his own identity crisis. My favourite scenes where those between Thor and Loki, especially the one in the SHEILD bunker. Hemsworth and Hiddleston do an amazing job- these two brothers clearly love each other, even if they don't always agree.
At it's heart then, it is a story about family and character, and this is what sets it apart from other hero movies and keeps you completely absorbed. As stated above, Marvel loves contiunity (look out for that cameo and stay until after the credits...) and hopeful everything should come together nicely for the Joss Whedon written-and- directed Avengers next year (*fangirl squeeing*). This is a wonderful addition to the Marvel franchise and I hope we see Branagh, Hemsworth and Hiddleston in a lot more.
Rating: 9 out of 10.
*I didn't see the film in 3D simply because my father was with me and he doesn't like it. However, I will see it again in 3D just to see the effect... I can imagine be pretty epic and not just there for show...
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